Lights ON

Rebeca Soto

Rebeca Soto – Lights On
Artist In Residence Spring / Summer 2020



The work I make speaks to the experiences and desires of folx like me- folx i don’t see when we speak about art and bodies and sexuality. I am a Scorpio Chicana artista, a queer femme first-gen Americana, illustrator, artist, and lover of pleasures. I make illustrations, zines, portraits and paintings that combine elements of graphic art and erotica through a feminist lens, drawing influence from colors and textures found in Mexican pottery and florals.

Gouache, paper-cut collaging and procreate are my favorite mediums. Using my iPhone and laptop camera I take (usually) nude selfies and turn them into dream drawings.

My drawings are sexually charged and meant to express a lifestyle and community centered in sexual liberation and self love.

— Rebeca Soto, 2020